<iframe src="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/artiscience/embed/episodes/The-Edinburgh-Futures-Institute-EFI-A-Conversation-with-Owen-Kelly--Deputy-Director--and-neuroscientist-Dr--Richard-Morris-e11k6q6/a-a5mfhfe" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> This podcast focuses on the relatively recently formed “Edinburgh Futures Institute” of the University of Edinburgh, housed in the former Royal Infirmary building at Quartermile, in discussion with two of the senior participants in its development, Owen Kelly, OBE, its Deputy Director, and Professor Dr Richard Morris, CBE, FRS, neuroscientist and co-recipient of The Brain Prize, 2016.
The recording is structured in three sections: first, their responses to my asking about their personal early formation in childhood and youth with respect to the arts and sciences; second, their experiences and paths to their present roles; and third, selected distinguishing features of the EFI and prospects for its own Future.
For comments, click on the title and or scroll down. Happy to have your feedback.